
Guide: Body Mark Code

A1 Too small to mention
A2 Small Scratch
A3 Scratch

A1 Too small to mention
A2 Small Scratch
A3 Scratch
A4 Long Scratch
B1 Too small to mention
B2 Small Dent
B3 Dent
B4 Large Dent
U1 Too small to mention
U2 Small Dent
U3 Dent
U4 Large Dent
W Wavy
S Rust
C Corrosion
オーディオ欠 Audio Missing
BP Has Been Repaired
X Needs to be Repaired
XX Has been Replaced
大 Big (Kanji for “big”)

Original Post: https://www.facebook.com/scrut.my/posts/582080175610499