
Bagaimana membaca Auction Report dari Jepun

Data scrut yang di perolehi oleh pelanggan adalah daripda pihak auction Japan. Di negara Jepun, auctions center atau tempat membida kenderaan mempuyai lebih dari 80 dan kenderaaan yang di lelong adalah lebih 140,000 termasuk kereta, motorsikal dan lori.

Sebelum membeli kenderaan yang di import dari negara Jepun, pengguna di galakkan untuk menyemak rekod lelongan atau auction report untuk mengetahui keadaan sebenar sebelum di import ke nagara kita.

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Scrut merupakan antara platform yang terawal memberi kemudahan kepada penlanggan untuk menyemak auction report yang asal untuk di elakkan dari pada di tipu.

Di negara jepun, report di dalam auction sheets ini adalah mudah untuk di baca kerana mereka menggunakan kod sebagai indikasi keadaan kereta yang sebenar. Apa yang anda perlu tau hanyalah no chassis kenderaan yang anda ingin beli bagi mendapatkan report auction.

Kualiti kenderaan atau grading di Jepun adalah dari 0 hingga 6 di mana 6 adalah yang paling baik (hampir macam baru) manakala untuk interior, gred yang diukur adalah dari A sampai D di mana A adalah paling baik.

Semak gred anda di bawah

Overall grade

6              New

5              As new with no condition faults

4.5           Very clean, one panel affected by minor paint blemish

4              More than one panel affected by minor paint blemishes

3.5           Some attention to panel and paint is required

3              Rough overall condition

2              Serious panel damage, rusty or water damaged

1              Significant performance upgrades or mechanical changes

A, 0, R     Accident damage and repair

Bagi tanda-tanda calar atau kemek di kereta, anda boleh menyemak gambar komponen kereta yang di tandakan dengan pelbagai kod.

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Vehicle Diagram

XX       Panels have been replaced due to repairs and / or painted.

W        Wavy

Can mean the affected panel has been painted, and the paint is not as smooth as the original factory paint.

However, in some cases even when marked with a W it is impossible to tell with the naked eye whether paintwork has been done.

Auction staff can make mistakes also, and mark panels W when they are uncertain.  W or W1, W2 and W3 are used, with 1 being least noticeable.

A          Scratch

A1 is a tiny scratch, and generally you would expect this to buff out or be an easy touch up.

A2 is a medium scratch through the top layer of paint, and won’t easily be hidden.

A3 is a deep scratch such as a serious scrape or intentional key mark, and will definitely require paintwork if you want to fully address it.

U         Pin dent

Only a small dent such as you would pick up in the carpark.

U1 to U4 are used to denote the size of the dent, with 1 being the smallest.

B          Larger dents

These are more serious than pin dents. They are quite noticeable dents and range from B1 to B4.

G          Chip

You might see a GX or even an A marked on the windscreen. This usually indicates a small stone chip or scratch and often these are quite small, the size of a pin head or so, and not easily visible.

They are the sort of things most cars pick up through normal use and if you see them noted it doesn’t mean the windscreen needs replacing.

Y          Cracks

Y1 to Y4. Usually in bodykits or lights and often not a major issue as repair or replacement is fairly simple.

P          Paint damage

P1 to P4. Fading, scratches or discolouration from sun damage, polishing, peeling, crazing or poor paintwork.

S / C    Rust / Corrosion

S and C1 to C4 are generally used.

An S or C1 on the body can mean a small stone chip has some surface rust or there is a spot of rust on the edge of a sunroof which might be easily addressed.

In other cases S noted in the negative comments section could indicate extensive underbody rust. C indicated on the wheel arches is a sign there is serious corrosion due to use in snowy areas.

Apa yang anda perlu pastikan adalah kereta yang ingin di beli adalah bukan kereta bergred “R”. Jika anda tidak kisah untuk membeli kereta gred “R” kerana harganya murah, pastikan repair atau kesan kemanlangan kepada kenderaan tersebut masih selamat untuk di gunakan. Jika tidak pasti boleh lah hantar ke SCRUT untuk membuat Scrut Integrity Inspection (SII) di Scrut Auto